Thursday, January 3, 2008

2002 - 2008

When I was 19 I worked two jobs in Lompoc, CA. I made more money working at Ellen's so I lived off my checks and tips from Mi Amore and used my other check to pay for dental work. I needed a lot since I hadn't gone since I was 4 years old. My dentist suggested I get braces to straighten my teeth. Exactly what I wanted to hear! I had wanted straight teeth as long as I had been self conscious of my appearance. So I went to see an orthodontist.

I paid the $300 for my initial visit to the orthodontist to take study models and x-rays. Upon my return visit to hear my evaluation results he told me I needed jaw surgery to correctly correct my bite. I couldn't believe it! So I wasted money for nothing and I thought it would be a long time before I got my teeth straightened. I wanted another opinion but couldn't afford to keep paying for the initial visits so I gave up for the time being.

Flash forward to 2006 - I live in Ventura now and I'm working full time and have good medical and dental benefits. I have kept my teeth up by going to a dentist regularly and even had a lot of re-work done on the "mercury" fillings I had done before. I keep dreaming about getting my teeth straightened and they had advertised Invisalign. That's what I wanted but feared what the orthodontist would tell me. When I had all my teeth good and done they referred me to the orthodontist. I was hopeful that without saying a word he wouldn't tell me I needed surgery .....but he did. I was shocked! I had never heard of this yet two Orthodontists had told me the same thing. Well I wanted a second and third opinion. I went to 4 other offices and every one told me the same thing. While I was at Hudson and Wright orthodontist office I broke down and cried. It wasn't what I wanted to hear. They said to take my time and think about it.

So I did. I took about 6-8 months. I needed to save up money and pick an orthodontist that I thought I would be comfortable with and who could refer me to a good oral surgeon who was also under my medical plan. Like finding a needle in a haystack! I had questions and I called back a lot. But once they were all answered I didn't know what I was waiting for. It was like I needed the orthodontist to tell me when to be there but it was really up to me. I figured if I waited too long then I would chicken out or make some excuse why I couldn't get the braces on at that point. So I made the appointment for the next week. My friends and family were shocked! And so was I a little bit but very excited.

So I got my braces on February 21st, 2007. The weirdest day of the experience up to this point. As the months went by I was excited about the change. My teeth were moving and it was obvious.


nancy said...

hi tasha, its mom, hope your doing fine, jamie sent this to me, I am so proud of you, you are such a brave girl, I love you and thinking of you, ill talk to you soon, love mom

Tasha said...

thanks mom! love you too!