Monday, January 21, 2008

Questions Answered

I had my apt with the oral surgeon, Dr. Zarrenkelk, and had all my questions answered about the surgery thus far. To my surprise he said that I might not need lower jaw surgery since my lower jaw was in complete alignment with the rest of my face, it was only my top jaw that was off and would need to be brought forward to fix the overbite. This would be awesome because he reminded me that there is always the chance that I could loose feeling in my lower lip due to lower jaw surgery. If I don't have lower jaw surgery I don't have this chance. He told me that once I have the newest impressions taken (tomorrow at my ortho apt) then he would do the surgery on the model and show me what it's going to look like at my second apt w/ him on Friday. (hello? that's frickin awesome! I get to see what it looks like before? crazy..) So I'm excited to see what that looks like.

Answers to my questions were in a packet of information. I can brush my teeth with a baby toothbrush, but only on the outer part of my teeth because they will be rubberbanded for the first 7-10 days. I will be under general anasthesia and the surgery will take 4-6 hours. I will have a plastic retainer thingy that helps hold the teeth in the correct bite alignment, which is better than the expander that I thought I would have. He's going to bring my cheek bones forward also so that my I don't have such a flat profile. I should be mobile after one week and can return to work after two. So all in all I feel good about the surgery and now it's just waiting for it to happen!

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