Sunday, February 3, 2008

Random stuff

So I thought of some stuff I left out of the last post but intstead of making that one longer I figured I would just write a new one.

I've lost 10 lbs so far since the surgery and i'm trying not to loose anymore but finding it difficult to drink enough without getting too full.

I had my first follow up with the oral surgeon on Thursday and that was very weird. I had to go into the office full of people and have them stare at me because I look like a cabbage patch doll. Plus I look lethargic because it hurts to turn my head too much so I just face forward and down most of the time so the drool doesn't run down my face. So they took xrays which are really difficult to do when your swollen and your back hurts. They turned out though and when I saw all the screws and plates I asked the doc when those come out. He told me they don't which was a total surprise to me. I knew I would have screws and plates but didn't know they didn't come out ever! Doc assured me that they were very small and made out of titanium so I wouldn't be setting off any airport alarms or getting magnets stuck to my face! The xrays look good so I'm still very excited about the results. My next follow up is on Monday. Not sure what they are following up on but we shall see.

Last night I was able to suck for the first time and was able to get more liquid down my throat then ever before. Cold things are what really works right now because I can tell that they are there. My thirst and hunger are growing significantly which is somewhat good. It's just so messy to try to eat because it's not like I can sit down for a meal, I have to stand over a sink so everthing that falls all over the place doesn't ruin all my clothes or furniture. I'm looking forward to being able to drink through a straw and that sounds so alien to me but it's true! You really take the littel things for granted and don't appreciate them until you don't have them temporarily.

Getting more feeling in my mouth. I can feel most of my tongue again and the tip of it is sensitive and a litte rough from rubbing on the rubber retainer thingy I have in the top of my mouth.

This morning I cried for the first time. My independent spirit is getting to me and I am frusterated that I can't just do what I need to do which is go to the store and get more cat food. I don't really like relying on people and hate asking for favors and it's finally hit me a little that i'm going to need more favors than I thought. My family and friends have been great and there is no lack of hospitality I just hate bothering people for things that I feel I may never get to return the favor. I don't know anyone that plans on having jaw surgery anytime soon! Anyways, I'm sure some can understand my frusteration.

So on a lighter side I have to say how funny people are when you can't really respond to them. If I had a dollar for every time somone would ask "x or y?" and I would just give them this blank stare like "how in the heck am I supposed to respond to that?" So I just nod and mumble "uh huh" and then they realize that I can't really answer that kind of question without writing it down. Of course I'm being asked this at the moments where I don't have my white board or computer in front of me. It's just funny that people at first forget that I can only really respond to yes or no questions and that sometimes it requires more of an explanation. Anyways, it's been my comedy relief to talk to people and find it funny that they get more frusterated then I do that I can't really talk. I can still think, just can't express myself as much but maybe that's a good thing! I also love how everyone finds it funny that I knew to have a whiteboard. How else was I going to communicate? I could have a pen and paper but and that would work just as well. I like writing in word better because I can type faster than I can write. Writing on the white board, people seem to loose patience and want to guess what I'm trying to say. Or they will ask a second question in the middle of my writing the answer to the first one. Very funny. So i just keep writing the first one and then erase and write the second one. It's a good thing I didn't loose my short term memory or I would be screwed!

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